Monday, August 8, 2011

DNA suports the Biblical; Account of Babel

The Genographic Project is project started by, the National Geographic Society, IBM, geneticist Spencer Wells, and the Waitt Family Foundation. The idea is to determine the migration patterns starting in Africa and going to the rest of the world. The project is continuing but they have parliamentary results, which National Geographic describes in some detail. One factor they left out is the fact that their conclusions are based largly on the assumption of Evolution.
They show the it starting in Namibia, in Africa, based entirely on an Evolutionary interpretation of the fossil record. This Evolutionary interpretation of the data also influences the migration atlas and genetic relation graphs. Despite this fact the data as presented by National Geographic still shows indications of the post Babel dispersion as mentioned in the Bible.

The apparent trends showing a migration from Namibia are 100% interpretation. The raw data in this study is a bunch of Mitochondrial and Y-chromosome DNA samples from various parts of the world. From this data it is possible
to show which lines are more closely related to which, but to project back to an origin requires making assumptions about where that origin was. Those who did this study made the evolutionary assumption that the origin was in Namibia, however one can also make the Biblical assumption that it started in Iraq. Both are arbitrary assumptions and they produce
different directions in some of the the emigrational trends.

Unfortunately the public is not told about the assumptions made in these studies, in fact the Evolutionists that did it probably do not realize that starting in Namibia is an arbitrary assumption. That is simply where their theoretical system says it must have started.

Unfortunetly, the article does not present the raw data, which would include the precise locations were the genetic markers were found. The lines on the map probably suffer at least some what from their evolutionary mindset. A raw data map would just have the points where they got specific markers without their connect the dots. There is nothing innate about the genetic markers that show the direction of migration, unless you accept their dates and starting point which are based on evolutionary theory.

One thing the map shows are clear focal points in Iraq in for both Mitochondria and Y-chromosome lines. Right about the area where Babel was. So the map clearly show evidence of the post Babel dispersion. Several Mitochondria lines go from Iraq into Europe and Northern Asia. One goes right into Africa, with a secondary migration from there to Asia. While the map shows the Y-chromosome focal points to the south of the Mitochondria focal point, it is still about the area where Babel was and it
shows some similar migration patterns.

This interpretation is supported by their own family trees of both Mitochondria and Y-chromosome lines. This is particularly evident in the Y-chromosome line where M89 (the one in Iraq) has about twice as many off shoots as the other lines combined. A similar pattern can be seen in the Mitochondria. In both cases if you place ancestor marker in Iraq, the distribution of decedents is more even than if you place it in Africa.

One other thing about this data that supports the Bible is that there is clear 3 way split in both and the Mitochondria Y-chromosome lines when one starts in Iraq. Now Noah had 3 sons and 3 daughter in-laws. Since the Bible does not indicate that Noah and his wife had any kids after the Flood, we would expect a 3 way spit, and that is what we have.

  • This Mitochondria family tree is derived from the one at National Geographic but this one is based on the Biblical starting point in Iraq, while theirs is based on the Evolutionary starting point in Namibia.

The above chart takes National Geographic's relationships and migration routes at face value. It is likely that they are distorted somewhat by the Evolutionary assumptions in National Geographic's cart and map. However, despite this the influence of Evolution the 3 way spilt from Noah's 3 daughter in-laws is clearly seen when one starts in Iraq. It is also possible based on both map and family tree data to show with a fair degree of probability which line came from which daughter in-law. Is also indicates that Mrs Shem and Mrs Japheth were more closely related to each other than they were to Mrs Ham.

  • This Y-chromosome family tree is derived from the one at National Geographic but this one is based on the Biblical starting point in Iraq, while theirs is based on the Evolutionary starting point in Namibia.

The above chart takes National Geographic's relationships and migration routes at face value. It is likely that they are distorted somewhat by the Evolutionary assumptions in National Geographic's cart and map. However, despite this the influence of Evolution the 3 way spilt from Noah's 3 sons is clearly seen when one starts in Iraq. It is also possible based on both map and family tree data to show with a fair degree of probability which line came from which son.

The result is the even though this data as presented by National Geographic is loaded with evolutionary assumptions, it still shows patterns consistent with the Biblical account. Most likely if all of the Evolutionary assumptions in this map could be striped a way, it would probably show patterns even more consistent with the Bible.

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