Friday, May 18, 2012

Bacteria with amazingly slow metabolism found on sea floor

A  newly descovered  bacteria with an treamly slow metabolism has  been found 100 feet under the the sea floor of the Pacific Ocean in a location isolated from both sunlight, and fresh nutrients. They have a metabolism that is so slow that if they reproduce at all it only occures about once every thousand years or so. The ability of these bacteria to survive in the low nutrient conditions in which they were found shows that bacteria could also survive in material ejected from a planet into space. The are two possible ways this can occur. One is an asteroid impact where the bacteria hitch a ride to other planets on meteorites. The second is the fact that bacteria are constantly being ejected into space on dust particles where they can move around the solar system on what amounts to minny solar sails that eventually settile on other planets.These bacteria support the theory that if we we to find life else wheres in the Solar System that it most likely originated on Earth but wast transplanted by way of the above processes.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Study ages the Rhine River 5 million years.

Study ages the Rhine River 5 million years.

Previously been dated at 10 million years the Rhine River has now been redated by a new study based on fossils of at a site associated with  now adds an extra 5 million years to the river's estimated age for a total of 15 million years. The orrgional darw was most likely based on erosion rate but this study shows the fact that dating sites by the fossils at them supersedes other dating methods.

Using fossil dating first of all requires assuming evolution ass wellas the accuratcy of the methods used the fossil types to begin with. That this supremacy of fossil dating causes renders the concept of fauna succession totally un-testable by eliminating any way of objectively producing a relive date for fossil sites that could be used to test it.

Shuch problems are inherent in all methods used to date the past.  A method bthat ecomes the standard for judging the results of other methods also  becomes totally un-testable. Even worst it can result in circular reasoning when the date derived by a given method are used to support the assumptions of the dating method. In this case fossil dating which assumes evolution is used to date rocks and these dates are then used to support evolution, thus the circular reasoning.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Catastrophic Model of Martian Geology III - YouTube

This video is the third part of a catastrophic model of Martian geology. This part describes new support for this theory of the geology of Mars.  The Catastrophic Model of Martian Geology has as a main point that most of the impacts and volcanic activity on Mars occurred as part of a single massive global catastrophe resulting in a large amount of  dust and volcanic ash would have been thrown into the Martian atmosphere. resulting in a large increase in atmospheric pressure. A recent sudy has now found evidence that the Martian atmospheric pressure was 20 time its curren value in the past this is full consitent with Catastrophic Model of Martian Geology

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Two Additional Genes Help Increase the Complexity of the Human Brain

Two Additional Genes Help Increase the Complexity of the Human Brain

A gene called SRGAP2 that is found in humans, primates and other mammals helps control the rate of the development of the brain. A big difference occurs in Humans who have two similar genes that help increase complexity of the human brain by slowing its development.

These additional genes were place in mice and the proteins thney made bound the SRGAP2 protein slowing the rate of their brains leading to the mice growing additional neuron connections. This shows that these two uniquely human genes make  a huge differencet on human brain development making them an important difference between humans and apes.

One thing this study shows that is not stated is the fact that it is a great illustration of the fact that every biological study is interpreted with is obvious evolutionary spin. In this case the evolutionary spin is the claim that these additional are a result of a SRGAP2 duplication 3.5 million ago followed by the duplication duplicating to 2.5 million years ago to form the second additional gene.

What the hard facts are that humans share the SRGAP2 with primates and other mammals producing a protein the regulated the rate of brain development. Humans also have two similar additional shorter genes; one of these two genes is shorter than the other; that slow the brain’s growth rate as regulated by the SRGAP2 protein increasing the human brain’s time of growth allowing it time to make more connections. The references to gene duplications how ever are 100% interpretation based entirely on evolutionary assumptions.