Monday, October 15, 2012

Quantum entanglement and the Information Universe



This is part three of the Information Universe series. See the link for part one.


Quantum entanglement is the quantum mechanical concept by which two particles can become related to each other in a manner that means that the properties of one are described in relationship to the other such that one can affect the other even at a distance. It is one of the first really strange results of quantum mechanics. The interactions of quantum entanglement occur instantly at any distance making it a good example of quantum nonlocality. This interaction at a distance by itself suggests that space is a calculated coordinate with in a virtual space rather that physical material distances.


A recent experiment as shown that a quantum particle can be come entangled with a particle that no longer exists. For this to happen it is necessary for the destroyed photon’s quantum information to survive its destruction so that it could become entangled with the other photon. This fact suggests that the photon was fundamentally information to begin with and that its destruction was only of its participation in our reality and not of the information that produced it. This provides further support for the Information Universe concept by showing that photons and other quantum particles are fundamentally based on information. 






------ Charles Creager Jr.

Genesis Science Mission

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