Thursday, December 7, 2023

The label of science denier.

The act of labeling someone as a science denier is an Ad hominem, which is a personal attack that draws a parallel to Holocaust deniers. These individuals, who sympathized with the Nazis, denied the undeniable truth of the Holocaust despite the abundance of evidence. In essence, by using this label, creationists are being compared to Nazi sympathizers.

Notion Behind this Label 

The concept behind this label assumes that the individual using it believes a specific theory to be an indisputable scientific fact. Consequently, anyone who disagrees with this theory is simply seen as denying it. However, this perspective fails to acknowledge that there can be valid reasons for questioning even well-established scientific principles. One possibility is that the person being labeled has not been properly introduced to the concept. Another valid reason could be a lack of trust in the concept due to the individuals advocating for it, as exemplified by the skepticism surrounding climate change. A third legitimate reason is the identification of potential flaws in the idea. Whether or not these concerns are valid is a separate matter, but it is important to note that calling someone names will not convince them that they are mistaken about something. 

This tendency to resort to name-calling is a common issue among proponents of evolution, indicating their inability to effectively address objections. When they believe they can provide a satisfactory response to an objection, they will do so. However, inevitably, evolutionists will eventually resort to name-calling, with "science denier" being one of the terms used.

Problems with Using this Derogatory Label 

Using this derogatory label presents a significant issue due to a misunderstanding of creationists. Apart from the comparison to Nazi sympathizers, the label also suggests an irrational motive for rejecting evolutionary theory. However, there are numerous rational grounds for dismissing the concept of universal common descent evolution. The primary reason is the lack of demonstrated evidence for its mechanism's capability. For universal common descent to be plausible, it must possess a means of generating new intricate and specific information. Organisms must somehow acquire the necessary information to develop structures such as hearts, lungs, different blood cell types, wings, and various other complex features found in every living cell. Prior to asserting universal common descent as a viable explanation for life's diversity, it is imperative to demonstrate its feasibility. Without substantial amounts of genuinely new complex information, not duplications or degenerative mutations, but entirely novel information capable of producing previously nonexistent complex structures, this stands as one of several highly logical grounds for rejecting universal common descent evolution.

Some evolutionists have ceased to view science as a combination of theory and data, instead displaying signs of perceiving themselves as the embodiment of science. This mindset is apparent in the case of Dr. Fauci, renowned for his involvement in COVID-19, who, when questioned about the science, replied that he was the science. Even if such a remark was meant to be lighthearted, it nevertheless reveals their perception of their connection to science.

Furthermore, it is interesting to note that the same people who are calling creationists and others whom they disagree with, science deniers, regularly deny the obvious scientific fact that we are born male and female based on our genetics and that it is not something that is a matter of how you feel. 


In the end, the utilization of such a derogatory term demonstrates a lack of willingness and even incapacity to handle differing opinions. If proponents of evolution were truly impartial and receptive as they assert, they would refrain from employing such derogatory terms. They would be open to listening to those who hold opposing views and make an effort to comprehend their standpoint. Nevertheless, their response towards both creation science and intelligent design reveals an attitude of superiority that, even if they were correct, would hinder them from gaining any knowledge from their adversaries.

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