Wednesday, December 6, 2023

The label of pseudoscience.

Evolutionists often refer to creation science as pseudoscience. It's a pejorative phrase that's often used for any idea that challenges the largely accepted beliefs of institutionalized science. For the most part, it is an attempt to maintain the status of science inside institutionalized science.

The term pseudoscience 

There are two acceptable applications for the term "pseudoscience," which effectively means "fake science." The first is willful deception by those pushing the concept question. This word can also be used to refer to science fiction. To make what is happening in a science fiction story at least sound scientific, one may, for instance, construct some scientific-sounding vocabulary.

Not an official term

The lack of an authoritative source for this label's application is one of its main issues. That is, the definition and designation of pseudoscience are not determined by a controlling body. As such, there is nowhere to file an appeal over the label. It is just used as a pejorative phrase, and everyone who has a position to which it is applied is forced to defend their position against the label regardless of the facts. The fact that those who use the designation typically dismiss any proof that they are incorrect only serves to exacerbate the situation.

The application of the label

It also ignores the reality that there are many kinds of science and that not all bad science is the same as phony science. There is no proof that someone engaged in false science if they follow the scientific method but get incorrect findings due to a careless technique. Even though their research was subpar, it is nevertheless authentic.

It is also noteworthy that people who use the term "pseudoscience" struggle to define it precisely, and consistently. They do not apply the label to ideas they embrace, including universal common descent evolution. In actuality, though, this is just a term applied by people who use it to refute a scientific opinion that they find objectionable.

The use of such derogatory terms

The frequent use of such disparaging language is a callous method of handling people who have different opinions from you. The use of such terminology, frequently, stems from the user's incapacity to adequately explain their stance.

It is regrettable that such disparaging language appears in scientific discourse. Language like this should never be used in research if it is truly to be understood as an investigation of truth rather than a means of advancing a particular goal. It's interesting to note that the two domains where they appear most frequently are those about origins and "climate change." This is because none of these are genuinely scientific; rather, they are all elitist tools. As a result, they are unable to tolerate rivalry or simply questioning. This is the primary cause of the widespread usage of disparaging language in these areas. 


Ignoring these kinds of disparaging labels as much as you can is the wisest course of action. When necessary, draw attention to the disparaging connotations associated with terms like "pseudoscience" and provide evidence for its fallibility.  However, as one of their goals is to divert attention from more important matters while instilling a sense of superiority in the user, it is advisable to ignore them whenever feasible.

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