The study of affects of electric charges both at rest and in motion is known as electromagnetism. Electromagnetic theory is important to understanding nature since it is one of the four fundamental forces of nature and it is the main binding force of the atom outside the nucleus. .
Charge is the property of subatomic particle that gives rise to electric fields. The charge of a particle can be negative, positive, or neutral. Charge is a fundamental property of matter. Magnetism is the force of attraction or repulsion resulting from the motion of electric charges. While the force lines associated with electric charges tend to be strait, magnetic force lines tend to be circular.
The branch of physics dealing with the electromagnetic forces between electric charges called electrodynamics . In its most basic form electrodynamics deals with the affect of charges in relative motion. The mutual production of electric and magnetic fields forms the bases of the unification of eclectic and magnetic fields. All else in electromagnetism extends from this starting principles.
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