Saturday, February 25, 2012

Intermediate-mass Black Hole Discovered

The first ever intermediate-mass black hole has been discovered by ways of NASA's Hubble Space Telescope. There is also evidence of a cluster of blue stars orbiting the black whole.

It is located at a distance of 290,000,000 light-years on the edge of the galaxy ESO 243-49. Doubted HLX-1 (Hyper-Luminous X-ray source 1) the black hole has a mass of about 20,000 solar masses.

It als o need to be noted that according stellar evolution models these stars are quite young and could not have moved far from were they originated. This is a problem for such models since according to the same stellar evolution models can’t form stars in the gravitational environment around a large black hole.

 Global tectonics and the Genesis Flood.

Global tectonics and the Genesis Flood.

Here is a video of Dr. John Baumgardner developerof the geo physical modeling program TARA talking on talking about Catastrophic Plate Tectonics. Catastrophic Plate Tectonics (CPT) was first published by Antonio Snider in 1859 as a geologic model of Earth History and the Genesis Flood. The idea of Plate Tectonics was later picked upon by Alfred Vegner around 1910. He slowed down Antonio Snider's Catastrophic Plate Tectonics to make it fir evolutionary time scales producing continual drift. This slowed down version of Plate Tectonics became an establishment theory around 1963. Catastrophic Plate Tectonics was revived by Dr. John R. Baumgardner in the 1990's supporting the concept with computer modeling of the Earth's interior.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Double Slit Experiment

One of the most famous experiments in physics is known as the double slit experiment it is also the most infamous. It involves shooting light or other subatomic particles likes electrons at a screen that has two slits in it. Warning things are about to get strange.

When a double slit experiment is perfumed using pure waves the result is an interference pattern. When pure particles like bullets are used they produce two lines behind the slits. But subatomic particles like photons and electrons don’t act like bullets they produce a wave like interference pattern, even when they are shot one at a time.  It seems that each of the particles goes through both slits at the same time.

To make things even stranger dose not stop there because when detectors are put in place to see which slit each particle actually goes through their behavior changes producing only the two lines like bullets would.

To make thing even stranger if the detectors are on but the data is not recorded the result is the wave like interference pattern. This suggests that it is the conscience act of observing that actually changes the result. 

Such a result is consistent with the Biblical view of God as creator. From a Biblical view point the universe would have resulted from God’s consciousness and so it should not be much of a surprise that we would find such a result.
Additional Reference

Saturday, February 18, 2012

DNA and Babel and human migration

DNA provides evidence for the Noah’s Flood and the post Babel human migration The study is called Genographic Project is project which was started by, the National Geographic Society, IBM, and others to determine the migration patterns. Based largly on the assumption of Evolution they started in Africa and then worked out the migration to the rest of the world.

However the raw data is a bunch of Mitochondrial and Y-chromosome DNA samples from various parts of the world. From this data it is possible to show which lines are more closely related to which, but to project back to an origin requires making assumptions about where that origin was. If one starts with Biblical assumptions One would start in Iraq. When this is done the data that supports the Bible. This is because there is clear 3 way split in both and the Mitochondria Y-chromosome lines when one starts in Iraq. Now Noah had 3 sons and 3 daughter in-lawswe would expect a 3 way spit, and that is what we have.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Catastrophic Plate Tectonics

Geologist Dr. Steven Austin speaks about Catastrophic Plate Tectonics. Catastrophic Plate Tectonics has been proposed by Dr. John R. Baumgardner a Scientific description of the Genesis Flood. Most of his work in area is a based on computer modeling of the Earth's interior. It is basically plate tectonics on over drive. It turns out that Catastrophic Plate Tectonics actually the original plate tectonics theory which was slowed down to accommodate uniformitarian geology and evolutionary time scales.

Genesis 4:14-15

Genesis 4:14-15
This is an article on God spares Cain mentioned in Genesis 4:14-15. Cain’s concern that if someone were to find him they would only makes sense if there was a significant human population at the time all of which were descended from Adam and Eve.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Mercury and NASA’s Messenger spacecraft

Mercury and NASA’s Messenger spacecraft

Data on Mercuryfrom NASA’s Messenger spacecraft shows that it does not conform to existing evolutionary theories of planets and their origins. This data does however fit quite well with Creation Science theories that are based on the Biblical account.

Mercury’s magnetic field fits well with Dr. Russell Humphreys' Dynamic Decay theory of planetary magnetic fields. Not only has Mercury’s magnetic field decayed as predicted but Dynamic Decay theory but the theory easily explains why.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Quantum Mechanics

This is a video on the development of quantum mechanics. Niels Bohr was the first physicist that described electrons orbits of a fixed size and energy. Quantum Mechanics refutes materialism and shows how God could have created everything in the universe from nothing.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Logical Fallacies

Logical Fallacies

This is a link to a video about fallacies in logic. A logical fallacy is an error within a logical argument that is a flaw in the argument’s structure that is said to invalidate the argument.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Faster than Light Neutrinos revisited

Faster than Light Neutrinos revisited

When CERN reported neutrinos that were goping faster than the speed of light it istantly started speculation that it showed a problem with Special Relativity. However even these results are confirmed it would still does not pose a problem for Special Relativity since in is only particles with a real non zero rest mass that are not able to travel at or faster than the speed of light only applies to. Zero rest mass particle like a photon only travels at the speed of light. Particles that travel faster than
light called tachyons. have a negative imaginary rest mass which gives themt a real non zero mass at speeds above the speed of light. However they aew not capable of decelerating to the speed of light or below it.

Quantum Mechanics provided another possibility and that is that the neutrinos did travel at sub_light speeds through the space they went through but instanly skippedover the
rest of the distance making their average speed faster than light. Quantum Mechanics has several phenomenons like quantum tunneling that allow this to happen. If confirmed this would be strong confirmation of instantaneous quantum phenomenon.

Deductive Reasoning

Deductive Reasoning
The process of reasoning starting with a given set premises and drawing a conclusion from them is called Deductive reasoning. It basically goes from general to specific. Starting with a given set premises and drawing conclusions from them. Theconclusions are only as valid as the premises that are used and it only takes one false premise to produce a false conclusion. A valid deductive argument is one whose truth necessarily follows from the starting premises and it is sound when the argument is valid and all of its premises are true other wise it is considered unsound.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Martian Atmosphere  found to be Supersaturated with Water

Martian Atmosphere found to be Supersaturated with Water

Such a discovery fits well with catastrophic Martian geology. A temporarily raise in the pressure of the Martian atmosphere by dust from impacts and volcanic activity that would allow surface water. When Martian atmospheric pressure dropped as this dust settled the resulting evaporation would supersaturated atmosphere. This state would continue because the low pressure makes rain impossible such that the only way to reduce it is for the water to slowly bleed off into space. This further suggests that this
event happened relatively recently since the water has not entirely bled off.

Genesis 3:1-13

Genesis 3:1-13

This is an article on the fall of man as mentioned in Genesis 3:1-13. There is scientific insight here other that the description of this sadly historical event

Friday, February 3, 2012

New super-Earth found in habitable zone

New super-Earth found in habitable zone

A super-Earth planet has been found in the habitable zone of the star GJ 667C once again
promoting hopes that it is a habitable world but is it really habitable. It
orbits the smaller of triple star system being classified as red dwarf star.
Called GJ 667Cc this planet orbits slightly closer to ir star than Mercury does
to our sun, however the star is so cool that it's in the outer portion of the
habitable zone getting about 90% of the energy that the Earth gets from the sun.

Video on the Burden of Proof

Video on the Burden of Proof

Burden of Proof is the obligation of a party to provide sufficient evidence in support of their side of a dispute or issue. In practical meaning the term “burden of proof” is actually a little strong because it implies the need to prove beyond a doubt.

Genesis 2:24-25

Genesis 2:24-25

Here is the first reference to marriage in the Bible. Note that God ordained
marriage between a man and a woman so the Biblical definition of marriage is a
union between a man and a woman, referring to them as “one flesh.”

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Catastrophic Model of Martian Geology

Catastrophic Model of Martian Geology

There evidence that Martian geology is result of a major catastrophic event of global proportions as shown inthevideo at the asbove link. This event would have been a massive asteroid bombardment that changed the planet. This model indicates that the largest Martian geologic features are related to each other and are much closer in age than the standard uniformitarian model.

Read the original paper: Mars, a Testament to Catastrophe. This paper also dates the these evens from a creation science perspective to about the time of Noah's Flood. Cotrary to some attacks that have been made this paper does not propose that Mars had a global flood, only that some areas of it were flooded. The overal scale of the carasrophe was however global do to massive volcanic aactivity and an asteroid bombardment.

Video on Science and Politics

Video on Science and Politics

In any interaction between science and politics science usually looses. Nor that all interactions between science and government are negative but the overall affect on science is
negative. Politics is about acquiring and holding on to power and not knowledge infact Politics tends to be destructive to knowledge because ignorant people are easier to control. Also politicians are usually not really interested science but in sending money to their districts. Worst yet government often favors some lines of research over others in funding, education, and recognition. Some times government favors one side in a scientific dispute over others. The best examples are in origins research and climate research.

Government has been known to hinder lines of research from being perused. In all fairness this is sometimes times legitimate such as preventing dangerous experimenting on humans, but other times it’s not. Government can hide lines of research something that happens with research conducted by the military. The reason usually given for this is national security and some time it is legitimate but other times it is just used as an excuse.

Genesis 2:21-23

Genesis 2:21-23

Here we see the creation of the first woman; Eve. What makes thus particularly interesting it that if you remove a rib while leaving the periosteum; a membrane around the rib, it will grow back. This fact supports the historical nature of the Biblical account since it is not likely that a 1st or 2nd millennium B.C. writer would know about this fact or even more unlekely make the right choice by chance.

The genesis accountof the orgin of man is also supported by genetic evidence. In the form of mitochondrial DNA which shows that the entire human race is descended from one woman. In the original study they even referred to her as Mitochondrial Eve. They dated her to 100,000 - 200,000 years ago based on evolutionary assumptions however direct mesurments of mitochondrial DNA mutation rates date her at 6,000-10,000 years which is consistent with the Biblical account.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Interstellar Gas has Less Oxygen than Solar System

Interstellar Gas has Less Oxygen than Solar System

A probe called Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) that orbits the Earth a round 200, 0000 miles has been studying the edge the solar system. IBEX has made a number of interesting discoveries about the make up of interstellar gases. One of the biggest surprises is that it turns out that there is less oxygen interstellar gases as compared to other gases like neon than in the solar system.

The reason why this is the case is still a puzzle but it is consistent with the creation science concept that the Earth and Solar System are special. This concept is further supported by huge differences between the Solar System and the known planetary systems around other stars. These extrasolar planets also support the idea the the Earth is special since these other planets tend to be super hot.

Meridiani Planum region of Mars

Meridiani Planum region of Mars

This is a video that provides evidence that the Meridiani Planum region of Mars landing area of the Rover Opportunity was flooded by a massive spill. With the area filled with highly acidic water. This is part of a major Martian geologic catastrophic event of global proportions.

Video on the Burden of Proof

Video on the Burden of Proof

Burden of Proof is the obligation of a party to provide sufficient evidence in support of their side of a dispute or issue. In practical meaning the term “burden of proof” is actually a little strong because it implies the need to prove beyond a doubt. In practice it is really the burden of evidence.

The side that has the burden of proof is obligated to provide evidence to back up their view point.Determining the burden of proof is not always easy to do because it varies in different circumstances and changes in the course of the discussion.

Genesis 2:18-20

Genesis 2:18-20

When these events occurred Eve had not yet been created. God creates some additional animals in front of Adam so he could see God do it. God then has Adam name each kind of animal. This naturally raises the question of “Could Adam have named all these animals in one day?”

It has been estimated that Adam would probably have only needed to name some 2,500 kinds of animals. However to allow for some unknown kinds lets make it 3,000 kinds of animals so at one every five seconds Adam could have finished the task in 4 hours and 10 minutes.