Saturday, December 29, 2012

An Introduction to Geophysics


I have add an article on Geophysics to the Genesis Mission website. Below is a sample of some of the material.

Geophysics mainly includes studies of the Earth's shape; gravitational field, magnetic field, internal structure, internal composition, plate tectonics, generation of magmas, volcanism and rock formation.
Some times it includes the hydrological cycle; fluid dynamics of the oceans and the atmosphere; electricity and magnetism in the ionosphere and magnetosphere; solar-terrestrial interaction; and similar problems on the Moon and other planets.

Geophysics is at its hart the application of the principles of physics to the Earth and in more recent years other planetary bodies. As we expand our knowledge of worlds other than the Earth this expansion is natural. It is really only cultural inertia with in the scientific community that keeps it from being changed to planetary physics.

Accelerated Nuclear Decay is the process by which nuclear decay proceeds at a faster rate than normal. Now small amounts of accelerated nuclear decay have been observed in Bata-decay under some circumstances. While accelerated alpha decay has never been directly observed evidence for it exists in the retention of radiogenic helium by zircon crystals. Accelerated Nuclear Decay would look identical to normal decay but faster. The main argument against the hypothesis that the retention of radiogenic helium by zircon crystals shows substantial accelerated alpha decay is heat. The other common argument is the lack of an observed cause of accelerated alpha decay. However there are theoretical answers to both objections. The real reason for resistance to the hypothesis that the retention of radiogenic helium by zircon crystals shows substantial accelerated alpha decay is the fact that it would drastically reduce radiometric ages. However none of these arguments change the fact that measured helium diffusion rates in zircon crystals are a perfect match to a model showing accelerated alpha decay about six thousand years ago.

Plate Tectonics got its start in a book published by Snider-Pellegrini in 1859 called La Création et ses mystères dévoilés (The Creation and its Mysteries Unveiled). He proposed that all of the continents were once connected together based discovering the same plant fossils in both Europe and the United States. He then found that this fossils matching of fossils on all of the continents.

He proposed that the super continent catastrophically broke up resulting in the Flood described in Genesis the first book of the Bible. The catastrophic nature of the process went against uniformitarianism and this early version of plate tectonics got little support at the time. This image is from The Creation and its Mysteries Unveiled and it shows the continents before and after separation.

The idea of Plate Tectonics was later picked upon by Alfred Wegener around 1910. He slowed down Antonio Snider's Catastrophic Plate Tectonics to make it fit evolutionary time scales producing continual drift. This slowed down version of Plate Tectonics became an establishment theory around 1963.

Catastrophic Plate Tectonics was revived by Dr. John R. Baumgardner in the 1990's with support from computer modeling of the Earth's interior.The result is a Scientific description of the Genesis Flood. Modern Catastrophic Plate Tectonics is basically plate tectonics on over drive.



------ Charles Creager Jr.

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Friday, December 28, 2012

Information Universe and Origins.


This is part thirteen of the Information Universe series. See the link for part one.


The question here is not about a specific history of the Universe but of the nature and source of the origin of the Universe. Starting with the idea that the Universe is fundamentally an information system leads to the inescapable conclusion that the Universe is intelligently designed. This is because the programming for such a system would be sufficiently complex that is would have to originate from an intelligent programmer. It also shows the Universe was created out of nothing but the mind of the creator. This is evident from the fact that information is fundamentally immaterial in nature. Furthermore in programming even the simplest of virtual worlds the information is both information and the virtual world is made of nothing but immaterial information which is created from nothing but the mind of its creator.


This makes the Information Universe a perfect fit to with the idea of the Universe being created by God. It explains how Universe could be created from nothing. Now it does not say any thing about the nature of God himself or what kind of environment if any that He lives in. However the shear scope and detail of the simulation that is our universe eliminates the possibility of one or more human like beings sitting at any type of physical computer. With a resolution of a Planck length (1.616199 × 10-35 m) and the need to produce a reality for some 7 billion human beings and billions more conscious animals, the computation power needed would beyond any conceivable physical computer. To put it in to prospective the minimum information required to for just 1 cubic meter of space is 4.221672 × 10105 bytes. For comparison the hard drive on the computer used to write this is about 300 × 109 bytes. As a result it would take more than 1099 such computers to store the information needed for just 1 cubic meter of space. It would also require a minimum calculation rate of 2.612 × 10140 bytes per second just to calculate what is going on instead that 1 cubic meter of space.


The immense amount of information and computation power required for information based universe means that the programmer would by definition be the being we think of as God even if ever notion we have of Him is totally wrong. Now this does not show that the Earth and Universe were created in six days, just six thousand years ago, but it is consistent with such a creation. The point is that an information based universe has to be intelligently designed and the designer would be by definition be God.



------ Charles Creager Jr.

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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Marry Christmas

Marry Christmas

Remember to keep Christ in Christmas.

While it is most likely not the actual day Jesus was born we do celebrate  his Birth on this day. Remembering that it was a prelude to His death, burial and resurrection, thus providing the opportunity for salvation to all men.

To see how to accept Jesus as savior please visit the GOD AND THE BIBLE web site.


Saturday, December 15, 2012

Information Universe and mainstream science



This is part eleven of the Information Universe series. See the link for part one.


While what I refer to as the Information Universe is a specific model that I am working on. The basic idea that the Universe is fundamentally an information system is not unique my specific model, but has been proposed by other physicists.


In his book Decoding Reality physicist Vlatko Vedral's makes the case for the Universe being information at it most fundamental level. Physicist and author Thomas Campbell like wise makes the case the Universe being information at it most fundamental level.

The basic idea has shown up on the science channel and it has been discussed in new scientist magazine. So the basic concept has a degree of acceptance among physicists and scientific publications. This is enough to show that the idea does not qualify as being on some extreme fringe.


However the scientific establishment does not support the conclusion universe is fundamentally information at least in part because of a dedication a materialistic view of the world. If one starts with the assumption of a materialistic reality one can not conclude that the Universe is fundamentally made of information since information is immaterial. Making this break from the idea of a materialistic reality is hard to do even when you have no philosophical baggage getting in the way since what we call reality seems so material to us. However information is the most logical way of interpreting the double slit experiment.


It is however possible that time will change some these perceptions as there are many concepts taken for granted to day that were at first rejected. However at present there is no indication of movement in the physics establishment towards the conclusion universe is fundamentally information despite the fact that some physicists are promoting the basic concept. One thing that could help is developing a more complete model; however it is no likely because of the philosophical baggage that infects the scientific establishment


The scientific establishment is made up of the prominent scientific institutions and those that run them. These institutions control many aspects of main stream science including publishing, employment, research grants, research facilities and education. At present those holding these positions are dedicated to a naturalistic materialistic view of reality. This is at least in part because most of them are atheists and atheism fits best with some form of naturalistic materialistic reality. Sadly this means that basic idea that the Universe is fundamentally an information system is not likely to make much head way with in establishment physics. However some physicists do see it as the best possible interpretation of Quantum Mechanics 






------ Charles Creager Jr.

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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity has crossbedding on Mars.


The Mars Rover Curiosity has found crossbedding at area inside Gale Crater called "Glenelg." Not only does this show that water once flowed here but the direction of that flow as well. This is actually predicted by the catastrophic model of past water at this site, Since the catastrophic model has the water flowing over Mount Sharp in a northern direction the model would has the water flowing at a consider rate which is consistent with this cross bedding, However it gets even better because this crossbedding also shows the direction of the water flow.


It show the the water that laid down this crossbedding flowed from Mount Sharp which is predicted by the catastrophic model of past water at this site. This is further support for the over all catastrophic model of Martian geology. The catastrophic model of Martian geology has described this site even better than expected by providing evidence for eruptions of underground water and answering the one main question about the source of water for the flooding at  Meridiani Planum. This is that is shows that the region was most likely flooded from an ungrounded water source.



------ Charles Creager Jr.

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Saturday, December 1, 2012

New Supermassive Black Hole too Big for Its Galaxy



A newly discovered supermassive black hole, has surprised scientists by being way too large for its galaxy. Generally there is a relationship between the size of galaxy and its central black hole. Typically the central black hole has only about 0.1% the mass of the galaxy. The previous record was 11% however the supermassive black hole at the center of NGC 1277 has a mass that is a whopping 59% of the mass of the galaxy. Furthermore this supermassive black hole has a mass of 17 billion suns which is huge compared to the Milky Way's central black hole of 4 million solar masses. However this monster of a black hole is found at the center of a galaxy that is just 10% of the mass of the Milky Way.


This was a surprise for the astronomers because it does not fit their models of how galaxies form. However there is a creation model proposed by Dr John Hartnett where quasars are white holes and the galaxies were formed from matter coming from them. This not only explains the relationship between galaxies and their central black hole but also ready allows for some to stray from the pattern of which NGC 1277 is an extreme example.



------ Charles Creager Jr.

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Clearly Testable Prediction from Information Universe variant


This is part twelve of the Information Universe series. See the link for part one.


The earlier discussion of double slit experiment and the Information Universe it has been assumed that the collapse of quantum wave functions occurs no latter than the detection of each photon by the detector. In fact this would seem to be what most interpretations of quantum mechanics would say. However a recent e-mail discussion of the topic has lead to possibility of the Information Universe that working along with the consciousness causes collapse interpretation of quantum mechanics. When these two interpretations are combined instead of the wave function of each photon collapsing at detection it is passed on to the wave function of the entire experiment which does not collapse until the data is actually observed by a conscious entity and it is then that the information processing of the universe determines the result each photon. This leads to a unique and very strange prediction.


In quantum erasure experiments entangled two photons (s & p) are used to provide a way of checking to see which of the two slit in the double slit part of the experiment a photon actually goes through. Photon-s is the one that goes through the double slit and photon-p provides the information needed to see which slit photon-s actually goes through. When this occurs the result is a double peek pattern. However if the information carried by photon-p is destroyed by a polarizer then the result is an interference pattern. Oddly enough this occurs even if photon-p passes through the polarizer after photon-s is detected.


Now let’s say that instead of destroying the information carried by photon-p by way of a polarizer we carry out the experiment only as depicted in image-m recording the information but not looking at it right away. Now what would happen if we then destroyed the photon-p data before we ever looked at the photon-s data? Both common sense and every other interpretation of quantum mechanics would say that we should still get the double peek. However this combined interpretation of consciousness causes wave function collapse and the Information Universe makes the bazaar prediction that we would get interference pattern. The reason for this bazaar prediction is that the information from the detection of the photon-s is only fully calculated when observed and without the photon-p data the photon-s data produces an interference pattern. The reason why the Information Universe is needed for this prediction to work is that it provides an objective way for the actual results to be determined thus making a prediction possible. Without it the conscious observer could actually be affecting the results making a prediction impossible.


The best way to test this prediction this is to perform a quantum erasure experiment without the polarizer to erase which ways data carried by photon-p at least 10 times. Then randomly select five photon-p data sets and destroy them. To make the experiment better do this a least three times on different media such computer hard drive, CD’s or a printout. It would also help to have multiple people as the first observer of parts of the data. If in all of the cases where the photon-p data was destroyed it produced an interference patter, while those where it was retained would produced a double peak then the prediction would be confirmed.


Now a failure of this would not falsify the entire Information Universe model, just the variant of it has consciousness causing the wave function collapse. However a successful prediction would confirm the combined interpretation and the basic Information Universe model.




------ Charles Creager Jr.

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Saturday, November 24, 2012

Information Universe and Consciousness.


This is part ten of the Information Universe series. See the link for part one.


This is actually the most difficult part of this series because consciousness is hard to define. Furthermore consciousness is the one phenomenon that can not be part of the calculations of the Universe’s information processing system. While consciousness is hard to precisely define it does have some distinct properties. They are self awareness, awareness of what around you, willful though and willful action. A persons consciousness is basically another to term for the mind or soul.


The reason why consciousness can not be part of the calculations of the Universe’s information processing system is because that system is designed to only calculate detail information that is needed by a conscious entity as shown by the double slit experiment. Furthermore evidence has been found that synaptic activity in the brain requires quantum tunneling on demand. This tunneling has only a 1 in 10 million of occurring but yet it occurs in the brain every time it’s needed. This shows some degree of control by the mind (consciousness) of quantum wave functions this more than anything else eliminates the idea that the mind is just a by product of the brain since the brain is just part of the calculations of the Universe’s information processing system and a part that is at least partly controlled by a conscious entity. This is not strictly speaking dualism since the body is actually a calculated virtual construct that allows a conscious entity to experience and interact with the reality of this universe. In this sense the body would be much like a character a person plays in a video game that could be discarded in a similar manner when we reach game over at death.


Unfortunately this tells us nothing of what consciousness really is. However it does require that consciousness has to be more than a property of the brain because it can not be part of the calculations of the Universe’s information processing system since that information system seem to geared towards producing the information need to produce a consistent reality for the conscious entities that inhabit the universe. It does however allow for the possibility that the mind survives the death of the body because it requires that a conscious entity to be more than a function the brain.


Now to be fair this does not mean that consciousness is not also a information processing system of some type just that it’s not part of the Universe’s information processing system. It is possible that conscious minds are simply different programs with in the same over all system that simply shear information with the Universe’s information processing system. Now the Information Universe does not require conscious minds to be such information processing systems but it is consistent with it.

Regardless the ultimate nature of consciousness the main relationship between consciousness and the Information Universe is that the Universe’s information processing system exists to produce a consistent reality for conscious entities. Thus contrary to totally naturalistic claims we conscious entities are not mere by products of the universe but its reason for existing. This relationship is clearly demonstrated by the double slit experiment and in particular by the quantum erasure variety of by the double slit experiment. As a result it is not a philosophical or religious conclusion but what the data is actually telling us.




------ Charles Creager Jr.

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Saturday, November 17, 2012

New Most Distant


Astronomers working with the Hubble Space Telescope, and Spitzer Space Telescope have what they are calling the most distant galaxy ever discovered. This based on the redness of the object and not a full spectrum. The team studying it spent months eliminating other possible identities for the object. These possible identities including red stars, brown dwarfs, and galaxies that are red from age or dust but closer they finally came to the conclusion that a very distant galaxy was the correct explanation. The study involved 17 different filters ranging from near-ultraviolet to near-infrared and the galaxy only was seen in the two reddest filters. Its estimated distance is 13.3 billion light years away which would place it just 420 million years after the big bang is thought to have occurred which leaves vary little time to for galaxies to form, unless the Big Bang is wrong. Analysis indicates that the object is less than 600 Light Years across which is smaller than any galaxy ever observed but about the size of a globular cluster. Its estimated redshift is x =11.

Now one possibilities not mentioned in the description but suggested by the object's small size of is that this object is a globular cluster and not a galaxy. The size comparison is so obvious that it makes one wander why these it is not mentioned as one of the options eliminated. The most likely reason would be that proponents of the Big Bang expect to find small embolic galaxies and so that what it is seen as. Now to be fair if indeed this is a globular cluster it may be the largest and most distant globular cluster ever seen this fact could also have prevented them from considering it a globular cluster after all the largest known globular cluster is about 180 Light Years across. But is a 600 Light Years across globular cluster so far fetched after all it just 3.3 times the largest one near the milky way called NGC 5139. Further more if it were actually 4 billion Light Years with a large velocity relative to the Earth (0.9756c to 0.9938c depending on the angle) it would be only 180 Light Years across.

However even if this is truly a distant small galaxy it is definitely a rarity since few have been found out that far. If Galaxies are truly evenly distributed through space on a large scale then there should be many more galaxies out there than are observed particularly being able to spot one so small, even if it is by way of gravitational lensing. This fact alone is still a problem for the Big Bang.





------ Charles Creager Jr.

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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Particle physics

Particle Physics is the branch of that describes the properties and interactions of subatomic particles. The generally accepted model in particle physics is known as the Standard Model. While the Standard Model has been quit successful it does not quite describe everything.

The Standard Model was developed by scientists from all over the world in the mid 20th century. The model has a total of 30 fundamental particles including 17 particles and 13 anti-particles for. These particles make up all of the observable matter of the universe but only 3 of them make up most of that matter. All fundamental particles are one of two types: fermions and bosons and the Fermions are further subdivided into quarks and leptons. This the basic concept in particle physics.
All particles except some Bosons have a corresponding ant-particle that usually has the opposite charge and spin of the other particle. The anti-particles of the particles that make up ordinary matter are known collectively as anti-matter because. Anti-atoms and anti-molecules are made of antiprotons, antineutrons, and positrons (ant-electrons).  When antimatter and ordinary matter meat they annihilate each other with 100% mass to energy conversion.

Particle physics does not tells  us about the conditions that would have existed in the early stages of the Big Bang if it did occur. Because of this particle physics actually causes a major problem for the Big Bang cosmology. It turns out that all of the observable Universe is made of ordinary matter, with antimatter being nearly totally absent however the Big Bang should have produced equal amounts of matter and antimatter but we see no evidence of the antimatter.

In particle physics the production of a particle of matter from vacuum energy it also produces the equivalent particle of antimatter. This is what would have occurred in the Big Bang since all that would have exited is vacuum energy.

 The first proposed explanation id based on the fact that an object made of antimatter would look the same as one made of matter it has been proposed that distant parts of the universe could be composed of antimatter and it would look the same. However there are two major problems with this idea.
When matter and anti-matter meet they annihilate each other in a burst of radiation. Since such annihilation would be continually occurring where regions of matter and antimatter meet and the resulting radiation should be detectable but it has never been observed. In addition because the fundamental particles of ordinary matter are charged and the equivalent antimatter particles have the opposite charge once produced matter – antimatter particle pairs would be attracted to each other where they would be annihilated. Preventing this from happening requires an unknown field that would pull mater and antimatter apart, other wise they would form a homogeneous mixture of matter and antimatter.

Immediately after the Big Bang there would be a massive amount of production and annihilation of matter and antimatter. Once the expanding universe cooled below the point where production would stop but the annihilation would continue. This process would continue until there was nothing left or that which was left was too thinly spread out to interact and such conditions could not produce the universe we live in.
Proponents of the Big Bang cosmology understand the problem and have proposed three possible ways around the problem.
  1. That antimatter particles decay faster the their matter counterparts.
  2. Some how there was an over production of matter over antimatter.
  3. Some antimatter particles turned into matter particles.
The claim that antimatter particles decay faster than their matter counterparts is contrary to evidence since in all known cases particles and their anti particles have the same mean lifetime. Furthermore even if the particles that make up normal matter like protons and electrons decay at all their mean lifetime is so long that this idea could probably never be tested.

The claim that some how there was an over production of matter over antimatter is also contrary to evidence since in all known cases matter and antimatter particles are produced together.

The claim that some antimatter particles turned into matter particles is totally contrary to evidence. The closest to this that has been observed are neutrinos becoming different types of neutrinos but not anti neutrinos.
All of the proposed solutions to this problem with the Big Bang are totally speculative and not one is based on observable fact. Perhaps the best solution is that the Big Bang is not how the Universe really began.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Information Universe and Particle Physics


This is part nine of the Information Universe series. See the link for part one.


Particle Physics is one of many areas where the Information Universe shows it self to be an excellent theory. Since the information system of the universe is just below the fundamental particle level and it readily explains how they behave including their strange quantum properties.  The Information easily explains virtual particles. In particularly it explains how they are able to pop in and out of existence all the time. In fact in an information based universe they only need to exist as mathematical entities long enough to either transmit forces between particles or to support the existence of a field.


The Information Universe is particularly good at explaining how particles can interact as they do. If they were just balls of matter they would not interact frequently enough to do much of any thing. However in the Information Universe the positions interacting particles are calculated from their quantum waves so that they do interact when needed.


The Information Universe also readily explains the particle wave duality because the exact information on the location of a particle is not needed until it is actually observed in some manner. In an information based universe is would not be necessary to calculate the exact location of every particle unless it actually being observed by those living in that reality and in fact it would be a waste of calculating resources to do so. Until an exact state of a particle is actually needed it is only necessary to keep track of the probable states of a particle.


So the Information Universe not only works well with particle physics but it is in fact the best way to explain it. Further more is was particle physics in the form of the famous double slit experiment that has lead to the Information Universe idea. Furthermore it is the act of trying to determine which slit in the double slit experiment a particle goes through that shows that we have to live in an information based universe. In particular it is the quantum erasure aspect of the double slit experiment that eliminates all other possible explanations and so proving that we do in fact live in an information based universe.





------ Charles Creager Jr.

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Thursday, November 8, 2012

Information Universe and Relativity


This is part eight of the Information Universe series. See the link for part one.


The Information Universe works well with both Special Relativity, and General Relativity since the calculations done by the Universes information system are done to provide a reality for conscious observers observer then we would expect a given observer frame of reference to be calculated for his perspective, as such every observer frame of reference equally valid and thus no preferred frame of reference. This affect is seen in video games where what is on the screen is calculated to produce the perspective and frame of reference of the player. In multiplayer games each player has his own perspective and frame of reference so that none is special. Even if the program has a standard frame of reference for general calculations it may not be relevant or even noticeable to the players. The same thing goes for the conscious observers living in our universe.


It is also not unexpected that each conscious observer could have their own time that may or may not agree with that of others. All this is not only possible in the Information Universe but it makes a lot of sense from a programming perspective. Furthermore the differences it length observed in Special Relativity also makes sense in the Information Universe since space is just a coordinate system is the Universes information system it too could and would naturally be unique to  each conscious observer. This also explains the stretchability of space seen in General Relativity since a virtual coordinate system can be stretched, bent and other wise manipulated by the computing system since it is just numbers.


The really big achievement of the Information Universe in relation to Relativity theory is the reconciliation between General Relativity and Quantum mechanics by quantizing space and time into pixels. This has the further affect of eliminating any need to deal the infinite gravity that would occur at zero radiuses. Even the singularity of a black hole would have a not zero radius (1/2 Planck Length) as would a11 fundamental particles.


So the Information Universe works quite well with Relativity. Not only does it explain how it all works but it also reconciles General Relativity with  Quantum mechanics thus unifying physics.  





------ Charles Creager Jr.

Genesis Science Mission

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Saturday, November 3, 2012

Mars Rock, Named "Jake Matijevic" Most Unique on Mars


What makes Jake Matijevic  unique is the fact that its concentrations of elements such as sodium, aluminum and potassium, higher  and its concentrations of magnesium, iron and nickel lower, than other rocks studied on Mars. The standard model for how such a rock was formed by slow cooling such that minerals separate based on melting temperature. However this rock was crashed here after being ejected from a volcano meaning that it had to have cooled and solidified in flight which had to have happened in just a few minutes. The reason why this rock had to have be ejected from an erupting volcano was that it is broken off on one side and fractured at the bottom. showing that it hit the ground and hard. The nearest volcano is Albor Tholus being just 11°W and 20°N of Gale Crater and probably on the outer edge of where it could eject a rock this size.


This leave two possible way that is could have formed both of which are consistent with the Catastrophic Model of Martian Geology and a relatively short time span. One is that the rock bellow Albor Tholus was a ready differentiated and thus it composition has nothing to do with its cooking. The other possibility is that it was rotating as it shot through the air at a fast enough rate that a lot of unsolidified minerals were ejected as it flew. The most likely case is that it is a combination of both at work.





------ Charles Creager Jr.

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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Information Universe and Quantum Mechanics


This is part six of the Information Universe series. See the link for part one.



The Information Universe came about as a way of explaining the strange results of Quantum Mechanics. In particular it was the famous; some would say infamous Double Slit Experiment that has lead has shown that the universe is fundamentally an information system. Furthermore it is the quantum erasure aspect of the Double Slit Experiment that eliminates all other possible explanations for the results of Quantum Mechanics.


Not only is the Information Universe model a natural consequence of Quantum Mechanics but it is the best way to explain all of the strange results that come from it. Furthermore making a space pixilated information based coordinate system it makes it possible to reconcile Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity a task few theories have even come close to succeeding at.



------ Charles Creager Jr.

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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Information Universe basics


This is part five of the Information Universe series. See the link for part one.


There are a number of basic concepts that come from the Information Universe when it is applied to know principles of physics. These basic concepts not only provide a starting point to a formal Information Universe but they actually salve some problems that have plagued physics for many years.  Among other things these basic concepts provide a manner of unifying quantum mechanics and General Relativity.



The first is that rather than being a continual coordinate system that it is actually quantized forming pixels. This pixilation has the side affect of unifying Quantum mechanics and General Relativity. While it does not produce a graviton it does divide space into discrete units and since General Relativity depicts gravity as a warping of space-time around a mass this would provide a way of bringing gravity into the quantum world. 


The second the two most basic concepts that come from the Information Universe is that time is also quantized forming what could be considered a pixel of time.


These two basic concepts come from the fact that if the universe is indeed a calculating information system then such pixilation would be expected since there would have to be a level below that of both space and time at which the calculations take place.


The fourth basic concept is that since speed of light is one Planck length per Planck time it is the fastest speed that an object can travel that covers every point in space.


The fourth basic concept is that fundamental particles such as electrons and photons occupy one Planck length pixel for any given Planck time.


These basic concepts are the starting point of an Information Universe model. From here a full Information Universe model can be produced as mention in the article on developing an Information Universe Model. They are also critical to understanding how our universe can be based on information rather than material stuff.





------ Charles Creager Jr.

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Monday, October 22, 2012


This is part five of the Information Universe series. See the link for part one.


Once the conclusion is drawn that information is the real fundamental substance of the Universe the next step is developing that idea into an actual model of the Universe. This like trying figure out the code behind a computer program without even knowing the programming language it is written in. Fortunately in developing a model for an information based universe we do not need to figure out the exact language and code in which the information of the universe is encoded and processed.  Developing an actual information Universe model is basically a search for the logic of the processing of the information of the universe. 


The goal of developing a specific info-verse model is not producing an abstract mathematical model but reproducing the actual logic of the universe’s information processing system. While this is a vary lofty goal and probably beyond the ability of one person, having discovered that the universe is information processing system, discovering the logic that makes it work naturally becomes the ultimate goal and ultimately the best way to test the information universe concept.  Developing a specific information Universe model likely to be a long process but it is an important step to take the Information Universe concept from being simply a conclusion of the strangest experiments in physics to being a full fledge theory of reality.





------ Charles Creager Jr.

Genesis Science Mission

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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Is an Information Universe Scientific?


This is part four of the Information Universe series. See the link for part one.


Since the idea stems from scientific experiments it definitely can be considered scientific in that sense. The big question that most people asking this question would be is it falsifiable? While in one sense the answer in no, because the basic principle could produce nearly any conceivable universe, but some ideas considered to be science such as string theory have the same problem. One thing makes an Information Universe potentially falsifiable is that there are things that we would expect and not expect in an Information Universe as a result it is essentially testable. Also with in the general category of an Information Universe there is room for specific models that are clearly falsifiable.


Hence the conclusion is that an Information Universe is a scientific concept. It is not only derived from scientific but produces test results and can produce specific falsifiable models of observed phenomenon. As a result it can be considered to be scientific.





------ Charles Creager Jr.

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Monday, October 15, 2012

Quantum entanglement and the Information Universe



This is part three of the Information Universe series. See the link for part one.


Quantum entanglement is the quantum mechanical concept by which two particles can become related to each other in a manner that means that the properties of one are described in relationship to the other such that one can affect the other even at a distance. It is one of the first really strange results of quantum mechanics. The interactions of quantum entanglement occur instantly at any distance making it a good example of quantum nonlocality. This interaction at a distance by itself suggests that space is a calculated coordinate with in a virtual space rather that physical material distances.


A recent experiment as shown that a quantum particle can be come entangled with a particle that no longer exists. For this to happen it is necessary for the destroyed photon’s quantum information to survive its destruction so that it could become entangled with the other photon. This fact suggests that the photon was fundamentally information to begin with and that its destruction was only of its participation in our reality and not of the information that produced it. This provides further support for the Information Universe concept by showing that photons and other quantum particles are fundamentally based on information. 






------ Charles Creager Jr.

Genesis Science Mission

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Saturday, October 13, 2012

The Double Slit Experiment and the Information Universe


This is part two of the Information Universe series. See the link for part one.


The double slit experiment has to do with the wave/particle duality of subatomic particles and despite being a simple concept, this one experiment has produced some of the strangest results in science. These same strange results occur with electrons as it does photons of light. The original double slit experiment lead to the development quantum mechanics while more recent versions provide solid evidence that the universe in deed a virtual reality information system. While other aspects of quantum mechanics suggest the information universe idea, quantum eraser in recent versions of the double silt experiment clinch it.


It turns out that the determining factor of the results of the double slit experiment is whether or not information on which slit a particle went through is going to be available to a conscious observer. This can only be the case if what we call reality is fundamentally an information system that calculates specific results as need to produce a consistent reality for the conscious entities (us) living within it to experience which is the basic idea of the Information Universe and thus the double slit experiment provides the most compelling evidence for the Information Universe. Experiments like these show that the Universe we live in is a form of virtual reality produced by an information system that exists to provide us; that is the conscious entities living within the universe; with a consistent but calculated reality to experience.




------ Charles Creager Jr.

Genesis Science Mission

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Creation Science Talk


Friday, October 12, 2012

New Creation - What will happen - Does it point back to what has happpened?

_,_._,___As Christians we must pay attention to Colossians 2:8 “Do not let yourselves be captive to hallow and deceptive philosophies based on human traditions and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.”   We are warned that the “BASIC PRINCIPLES OF THE WORLD” and philosophy contra to belief in the King and Creator of the Universe Jesus Christ.


So why are those Christians holding to evolutionary philosophy based on naturalism rather than on Christ Jesus?  Why is the direct historical account of Genesis 1-11 thrown out the window and explained away to compromise with the “BASIC PRINCIPLES OF THE WORLD” rather than on the King and Creator of the Universe Jesus Christ.


Please consider what is coming. It is very easy to understand Chapter 21 of the book of Revelation that heaven and earth will pass away and a new heaven and earth is created by the King and Creator of the universe Jesus Christ.  He is the Creator of everything that exists (John 1:3, Col 1:16 please read them every day until you get this!!) and he is going to be creating a brand new heaven and earth and we have the description of it. It will have no sea, it will have no night, it will be paradise, …..  He also is going to created new code and new bodies for us. These bodies are not going to be flesh and blood and subject to death like life is now. They are going to be “indestructible” most likely with some special built in energy source in a design crafted perfectly by the King and Creator of the Universe Jesus Christ.  These bodies will be able to eat and drink like Jesus did after the resurrection but will not be flesh and blood, no pain, no suffering, no wearing out, eternal and perfect designs.


That is who our God is and what he does. How could a Christian study what is to come, then look at the creation account in Genesis and interject evolutionary ideas of decent with modifications and millions of years and all of this non-sense about code assembling itself from unorganized matter to form life.  This is anti-God, anti-Creator, anti-Jesus Christ.  To be a Christian requires one to be a supernaturalist. If one is not willing to acknowledge the King and Creator of the Universe designed and created nature but also used creative acts that only a genius of geniuses outside of nature could possibly do, then that person should not claim to be a Christian because he is believing false and evil things.  Some Christians who are eager to accept evolution eagerly accept the physical resurrection of Jesus Christ who was made alive by the Holy Spirit of God given an eternal body not flesh and blood as the first example and just like will happen in the last day to all Christians who believe in King-Creator Jesus Christ.  This was not a natural, time consuming process folks. So why or how could the same Christians say the creation requires millions of years and lots of mutations?  That is foolish, evil, and simply wrong. Consider you stand on this folks. Think about what is coming and how. Read the book HEAVEN by Randy Alcorn.


The discussions I see in this forum and really sad to listen to based on much ignorance that King and Creator of the Universe Jesus Christ would like to help many of you overcome if you will simply listen. Will you?