Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Distant Star light - Decay of the speed of light.

The idea that the speed of light had decreased since creation, was first proposed by Barry Setterfield in the 1980's. While it initially resulted in some excitement  It was based on the some old measurements of the speed of light, most of which are highly inaccurate and the oldest of which has been recalculated showing an error in the original calculation  with the corrected value within the margin of error of the accepted value for the speed of light. While it still has its supporters It has fallen out of favor.


Despite its failing C-decay stands out the first scientific theory proposed by Young Earth Creationists to solve the distant star light problem. It's real legacy is that it sparked the idea the the distant star light problem might have a scientific solution. 




------ Charles Creager Jr.

Genesis Science Mission

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Saturday, July 19, 2014

Distant Star light - The distances are wrong.

This questions if the distances are being measured accurately since you can not use a ruler to do it. The basic method of measurement which is stellar parallax is based on geometry and would be quite accurate but it only works up to about 100 Light years, so go further required other forms of measurement. This idea suggested that the other forms of measurement may not be accurate. However the assumptions behind using Cepheid stars and galactic redshift are reasonable enough that they are probably off by no more than a factor of 10 not the factor of 2,200,000 needed by this claim.  

The most basic way of determining the distance to star is by way of parallax. This method is based on geometry but it is useful only up to a dew hundred light years because then the angle get too small to measure.
Cepheid variable stars
Cepheid variable stars are large bright stars that vary in brightness over days and based on Cepheid variable stars close enough for their distances to be measured by Parallax their absolute brightness can be shown to be related to the length of their period of variability this means that they can be used as a standard candle for measuring distance. This method works up to about 50 megaParsec  (163 million light years)
Galactic Redshift


It was as a result of easements of Cepheid variable stars it was found that the light from galaxies is resifted proportionally to their distance. This works to at least 10's of billions of light years.


Type Ia supernovae


These are new commers to the list the are a result of whift dwarf stars that build up material from a large commpanion star that builds up until it explodes in a vary predictable way, resulting in a constent brightness, producing a new standard candle that is good for billions of light years.


The fact that these methods can all cross checked and are ultimetly based on the gomotry of Parallax shows that any error in calculating distances would is no greater than a factor of 10. But since this idea requiers a factor of 2,200,000 it is clearly wrong. While questioning the assuptions behind scientifc conclusions is a good thing to in this case it just dose not pan out.




------ Charles Creager Jr.

Genesis Science Mission

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Friday, July 11, 2014

Distant Star light - Light created in transit.

This is the idea that God created the star light already in transit from the stars on day four of the creation week without having to cover the distances. IT was the first proposed solution to this problem and it was based in the idea of a mature Creation.
The main argument against this idea is that it make most of what we see in the universe distance greater than 6500 light years a fiction that never happened. This put God’s honesty in to question since most we see of God’s creation 99.999975% by distance would be fictitious. Because of this the Light created in transit has been largely abandoned.

Other major problem with it is the fact that it is inherently untestable making it totally unscientific and of little if an apologetic value.


One possibility of solving some these problem comes this idea the the Universe is fundamentally information. One aspect of my model which I call the Information Universe is that the information about the state of an object is not fully processed until it is observed by a conscious entity. In this case a distant star and other distant objects exist only as mathematical probabilities that are narrowed when we observe it in a given state from its light to the range of mathematical probabilities constent with the observations. In this case distant events are just mathematical probabilities the program of the Unisvese with no actaull reality until it light is observed. This both eliminates the problem of God creating sn object in deep space with apparent history, making it no more dishonsest than the back ground of a video game. It also provides a scientific backfround for the Light created in transit.


The big problem and one reason why I do accept this is that it still makes the observed events of the Universe 99.999975% fictitious and dishonest or not God would still be giving sinnful men an excuse to denigh the The word of the the salvation offered through faith in Jesus Crist.


The other problem is that even within the Information Universe there is no reason why God could have not let the universe have a real history even in the context of the mathematical probabilities and so there is no reason for creating the Light from distant objects in transit.



------ Charles Creager Jr.

Genesis Science Mission

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