A report from scientists at the University of Sheffield clams the discovery of microscopic life in the process coming to Earth from space. The "biological particles" that form the bases of this report were found in the stratosphere by a balloon. The reason why they concluded the particles come from space is that they are too big to have drifted up to such an altitude in the absence of volcanic activity.
One flaw in their conclusion is that there could be another mechanism by which these particles could have gotten that high. Another is that it is not even certain that they are biological in origin, scientists have been fooled before. However for the sake of argument lets assume that these particles are indeed life coming to Earth from space. There is a high probability that they are simply returning having been ejected in the past. In fact from a creation science perspective it is likely that microbes got ejected into space from the Earth during Noah's Flood.
------ Charles Creager Jr.