Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Fossilized Conduits Suggest Past Underground Water on Martian


The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has photographed what look like fossilized water conduits. This provides evidence for the subterranean water originally suggested by catastrophic Martian geology. This catastrophic model of Martian geology suggested that the Meridiani Planum region of Mars where the rover Opportunity landed was flooded by a subterranean water source. This possibility was strengthened by results from the rover Curiosity which indicate the Gale Crater was also underground water.


These water conduits were probably formed by cracks resulting from and impact that then filled with muddy water from furthered below the surface. The conclusion that these are underground water conduits could gain further support as Curiosity is expected to have have an opportunity to examine mineralized fractures at Gale Crater.


This is yet another in a long list of increasing evidence in support of the catastrophic model of Martian geology. It is truly a model that keeps on explaining and being supported by everything found on Mars.




------ Charles Creager Jr.

Genesis Science Mission

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Monday, January 28, 2013

Re: [CreationTalk] Information Universe and Quantum Mechanics

In a message dated 1/28/2013 1:02:08 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

There are conflicting theories about the origin of the universe – when the apodictic fact is explained in ROMW VS. RAMB, i.e., read only my word vs. random access make belief by -Simeon Johnson

In a message dated 10/31/2012 8:37:01 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

This is part six of the Information Universe series. See the link for part

The Information Universe came about as a way of explaining the strange
results of Quantum Mechanics. In particular it was the famous; some would
say infamous Double Slit Experiment that has lead has shown that the
universe is fundamentally an information system. Furthermore it is the
quantum erasure aspect of the Double Slit Experiment that eliminates all
other possible explanations for the results of Quantum Mechanics.

Not only is the Information Universe model a natural consequence of Quantum
Mechanics but it is the best way to explain all of the strange results that
come from it. Furthermore making a space pixilated information based
coordinate system it makes it possible to reconcile Quantum Mechanics and
General Relativity a task few theories have even come close to succeeding

------ Charles Creager Jr.

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    Re: [CreationTalk] Information Universe and Quantum Mechanics

    There are conflicting theories about the origin of the universe – when the apodictic fact is explained in ROMW VS. RAMB, i.e., read only my word vs. random access make belief by -Simeon Johnson

    In a message dated 10/31/2012 8:37:01 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

    This is part six of the Information Universe series. See the link for part

    The Information Universe came about as a way of explaining the strange
    results of Quantum Mechanics. In particular it was the famous; some would
    say infamous Double Slit Experiment that has lead has shown that the
    universe is fundamentally an information system. Furthermore it is the
    quantum erasure aspect of the Double Slit Experiment that eliminates all
    other possible explanations for the results of Quantum Mechanics.

    Not only is the Information Universe model a natural consequence of Quantum
    Mechanics but it is the best way to explain all of the strange results that
    come from it. Furthermore making a space pixilated information based
    coordinate system it makes it possible to reconcile Quantum Mechanics and
    General Relativity a task few theories have even come close to succeeding

    ------ Charles Creager Jr.

    Genesis Science Mission <>

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    Genesis Mission <>

    Creation Science <> Talk

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      Friday, January 25, 2013

      The Real Odds of Space Aliens Existing

      Evolutionists seem to be obsessed with finding extraterrestrial life and the reason for this obsession is that the Earth is unique in that it is the only known place in universe that harbors life. This is so suggestive of deign that it is repugnant to them and particularly so of atheists.  One thing the notion of extraterrestrial life presupposes is that abiogenesis is a relatively likely event and that evolving intelligent life from there is also fairly likely once you get that first living cell. The standard argument is that given all the planets that must exist in universe that thee has to be some one else out there. How ever those making this claim have clearly never really looked at the statistics of the matter. Recently I did a study of this question based on the assumption of naturalistic origins of life and intelligent life that shows that the odds do not have to be particularly low for us to be alone in the entire universe.
      Current estimates are that there are a bout 100 billion galaxies in the observable universe and that there are about 10 billion planets with in the habitable zone of their star in our galaxy.  That comes to 1011 X 1010 for an estimated total of 1021 habitable zone planets in the observable universe. At fist glance this seems like a large number such that we can not possibly be alone. If as many as 1 in 1,000 of these planets is actually capable of supporting life, probably being rather generous since we currently know of about 270 habitable zone planets only two of which (the Earth and Mars) have conditions that can support life and only one (the Earth)  is know to support life. In any case that reduces the number of planets capable of supporting life to 1018 planets. So unless the odds of abiogenesis occurring are better than 1 in 1018 then we are indeed alone. Given the fact satirical thermodynamics suggests that abiogenesis is thermodynamically impossible even 1 in 1018 is extremely generous. 
      Now this is only dealing with bacteria  or some other form a microscopic life when we go to intelligent life it doesn’t take vary poor odd for each step still mean that we are alone. Lets say that the odds of abiogenesis occurring are as good as one in a million. I know this is clearly being unreasonably generous since we probably would have evidence of it if it were that easy.  That reduces the number planets with life to 1012 planets. Now if the odds of developing complex multi cellular life are as good as one in a million an extremely generous assumption since single cell life greatly out numbers multi cell life. That reduces the number planets with complex multi cellular life to 106 (1 million) planets.  Now if the odds of developing intelligent life are as good as one in a million once again an extremely generous assumption since non intelligent life greatly out numbers intelligent life. That reduces the number planets with intelligent life to 1 planet which would be the Earth.
      The point is that even by using extremely generous probabilities odd are that we are the only intelligent life in the universe. That of course assumes a totally naturalistic origin if however God created all live then these odds are meaningless and we and any other loving thing in the universe are special creations of God who could have made the universe any way he wanted. So why are Evolutionists so obsessed with finding extraterrestrial life given the fact that odds are that it probably does not exist. Well the reason is that the only other answer to our origin other than abiogenesis being common place is in the beginning God created it all. and that is unthinkable to them as some have admitted.

      Monday, January 21, 2013

      Information Universe and the Bible.


      This is part sixteen of the Information Universe series. See the link for part one.



      There a number of ways in which the Information Universe is a perfect fit the Bible. It fist well with the concept of God creating the universe out of nothing, as well as God speaking the universe into existence. It shows how the miracles mentioned Bible are possible and much more. While the following discussion dose refer to and quote the Bible it is primarily about physics and what the Information Universe says about the physics behind Biblical events.


      The Bible teaches that God created the universe out of nothing. The term used for this generally is creation ex nihilo. “ex nihilo” is Latin meaning “out of nothing. This is implied right from the beginning literally from the first verse.


      Genesis 1:1 (KJV) In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.


      The word the heaven here refers outer space not only the objects that are out there but the space it self. As a result there would be no place for any thing to exist. Further more we have mater, space and time beginning in the same verse showing that God created all three at the same instant. This implies creation of all three out of nothing.


         Hebrews 11:3 (KJV) Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.


      This verse from the New Testament is more explicit indicating that all things were not made from physical entities. Even atoms can be seen and the fundamental particles that make them up can be detected so we have creation out of nothing. The Information Universe is consistent with this idea even though it was not developed for that purpose. 


      Further more several times in Genesis 1 shows God speaking things into existence such as.


      Genesis 1:3 (KJV) And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.


      We also in Hebrews 11:3 that the universe was formed by “the word of God.”


      Hebrews 11:3 (KJV) Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.


      This verses show God speaking, that it putting out information and there by creating things. When the creator of a video game programs the game he is putting out information into the program to create the video’s game. That world is literally created out of nothing and was made by its creator in a real sense speaking it into existence. Thus the Information Universe is consistent with God bringing all things into existence by his word because they fundamentally consist of that information. It does so even though it was not developed for that purpose.


      The Bible also speaks of numerous miraculous and other types of supernatural events. If the universe is fundamentally information and God was the one that programmed or otherwise controls that information system, then like the programmer of a video game he could tweak the program’s information to produce the miracles and other types of supernatural events. Thus the Information Universe is consistent with the miracles of the Bible being real events and it does so even though it was not developed for that purpose.


      Colossians 1:17 (KJV) And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.


      This verse indicates that by God all things have their existence implying God regularly directly controls over the universe. This makes a lot of sense if the universe is fundamentally information since Even when a human programmer programs a virtual world it is easy to add ways to directly control it beyond what a player could in a game. The point is that if the universe is fundamentally information programmed by God, and then would be expected to be indirect control of the information. Thus the Information Universe is consistent with the Bible idea of God directly controlling the universe and it does so even though it was not developed for that purpose.


      The fact is that the idea that the universe is fundamentally information and specifically the Information Universe model came from the need to explain certain results of Quantum Mechanics such as the double sit experiment. However it turns out to be a perfect fit to the Bible and amazingly it does so even though it was not developed for that purpose. While this fact will not please some proponents of the idea that the universe is fundamentally information it is still a fact that it is a perfect fit the Biblical idea of the Universe being created, maintain and controlled by God.


      Concluding that the universe is fundamentally information comes right out of Quantum Mechanics and is the most logical way to interpret Quantum Mechanics. One amazing result of this interpretation is that it not only requires a universe that is intelligently designed but is perfect fit to the idea of a creator God. The fit of the Information Universe to the Biblical account amazing given the fact that that the starting point was explaining the strangest results of Quantum Mechanics.



      ------ Charles Creager Jr.

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      Scientific America Shows Liberal and Anti-Creationist Bias

      A recent article in Scientific America speaks volumes on the attitude of the publication towards any one that does not see the world the way they do. While the article is as hard on liberal the author sees anti-science as conservatives, article shows a clear liberal bias, It starts out the second paragraph with "We are well aware of the Republican war on science" as though the notion that Republican specifically conservative Republican are anti-science. He goes on site an anti-Republican book and anti-Intelligent Design book to support the claim. So the bias in the article is blatantly obvious right from the start.

      The author then sites a A 2012 Gallup poll showing how Republican and Democrat views on Young Earth Creation and Global warming.




      God created humans in their present form within the last 10,000 years'



      Earth is getting warmer.



      He then attacks opposition to fetal stem cell research as "early-stage embryos a moral standing that is higher than that of adults suffering from debilitating diseases potentially curable through stem cells." While totally ignoring the fact that the same conservatives fully support adult stem cell research, an area of study that has produced more results the fetal stem cell research.

      In any case the author of the article uses opposition to evolution and global warm to declare any one who holds those positions to be anti-science. In short he equates disagreement with interpretations of data by a majority of scientists as being anti-science. He totally ignores the fact that there are degreed practicing published scientists that disagree with Global Warming, an old Earth and microbe to man evolution and do so on scientific grounds. There are legitimate scientific reasons to question Global Warming and particular man caused Global Warming such as the warming trend observed on Mar. Further more the politicalization of Global Warming causes legitimate reasons to question the scientific integrity of process.

      The point is that the article implies that Global Warming, an old Earth and microbe to man evolution are the only scientific interpretations of available data and declares that disagreeing with those interpretations is anti-science. Since disagreement of interpretation of data is fundamental to legitimate science it is the view of the author and by publishing it the view of Scientific America that is anti-science because it has the net affect of shutting down debate on the interpretation of data. It is clear from the end of the article that he thinks the those who oppose evolution and climate change should be eliminated from the debate altogether.






      ------ Charles Creager Jr.

      Genesis Science Mission

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      Saturday, January 19, 2013

      Is a global flood possible?


      Some who attack the idea of a Global Flood based on the claim that the Flood had to go as high as Mt. Everest sense all the Mountains were covered. Mt. Everest peaks at 29,035 feet, and there is not enough water on Earth to cover it such a depth. This is actually a straw man argument since no creationist claims that the Flood covered Mt. Everest at its current height. Further more like many other such claims the Bible answers it.


      Psalm 104: 6-9
      6 Thou coveredst it with the deep as with a garment: the waters stood above the mountains.
      7 At thy rebuke they fled; at the voice of thy thunder they hasted away.
      8 They go up by the mountains; they go down by the valleys unto the place which thou hast founded for them.
      9 Thou hast set a bound that they may not pass over; that they turn not again to cover the earth.

      This passage shows that mountains rose and valleys sank during the Flood. The result is that Mt. Everest rose up during the Flood so the Flood did not need to be any were near that high.

      There is enough water on Earth for a Global Flood. If the Earth were smoothed out, the water in the oceans would cover the Earth to a depth of about 8,813 feet. This figure does not include the water in rivers, lakes glaciers and other sources. They would add about another 2-3 thousand feet which would bring the maximum depth to about 11,813 feet or about 2.2373 miles. In reality the Flood would really only need to be a little over 7,000 deep.

      So real question is whether or not it is possible for Mt. Everest to have roses to its current height fast enough to have raised in a time scale consistent with the Flood. The earthquake that caused the Indonesian tsunami of December 26, 2004, caused an uplift of at least 20 feet in a few minutes, which is a speed of about 240 feet per hour. At that rate Mt. Everest would have reached 29,035 feet in about 5 days. So forces actually observed in Earthquakes are sufficient if extended long enough to quickly raise even the highest mountain in world to its current height is just a few days.

      The result is that based on the amount of water on the Earth and fact that observed tectonic forces have the potential to quickly raise mountains, that the Global Flood of the Bible is at least theoretically possible.

      It gets even better since studies have shown that there is about 5 times as much water in the Earth's mantel as is currently on the surface oft he Earth. This would be enough water to flood the Earth to a depth of 13.42 miles. This is deep enough to cover Mt. Everest to a depth of 7.9 miles which is deeper than the Mariana Trench (deepest spot in the ocean) depth of 6.831 miles. So there is enough water on Earth for a global flood. Not only that but studies have shown that this water could have been transported from the Earth's surface by plate subduction.

      The conclusion is that a global flood is indeed possible.






      ------ Charles Creager Jr.

      Genesis Science Mission

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      Saturday, January 12, 2013

      Most Earth-Like Planet Ever Found Outside the Solar System Discovered


      Currently called KOI 172.02 the reason this planet has produced so much excitement is that it is the first habitable-zone super Earth found around a star of same type as the sun. However close examination shows that calling  it "Earth-Like" is most likely in accurate. First of all the use of the term "Earth-Like" is actually some deceptive since it congers up in the most people's minds a planet really like Earth. That being filled with life and one the we could someday visit and find intelligent life. However before you pack your bags there are a few facts that you should known that probably make this planet anything but truly Earth like.


      The first is that its radius is 1.5 times that of Earth. Now while that does not seem like much it means that if its average density is the same as Earth its mass would be 3.375 times that of the Earth with would mean a surface gravity of 1.5 g's. Put another way a 200lbs man would weigh 300lbs. This means that most people could not even stand up and if they could they would be barely able to walk. Now if this planet has a composition similar to Earth that it would actually be closer to 4 time the mass of the Earth. For this planet to have a 1g surface gravity its average density would have to be 44% that of Earth's which means it would lack a lot of substances that make life possible on Earth.


      Second while orbits a star similar to the sun is it orbits at just 75% the distance to its star as the Earth does to the sun and has a year of about 242 Earth days. Venus on the other hand has a planet much closer to the Earth in size orbits the sun at 72% the distance of the Earth and has year of 224 Earth days. So in terms of orbit KOI 172.02 is far more like Venus than it is like the Earth. Now since this planet would have likely have a higher surface gravity than the Earth its atmosphere would probably be denser thus trapping more heat from its star and being closer to its star it would get more heat than the Earth and so it would be quite a bit hotter than the Earth, almost certainly too hot for life.


      So given all this why all the excitement over what is most likely as supper Venus. The reason is an almost desperate desire to evidence of life some place, in fact any place other than the Earth. The reason for this desperation is that the Earth is unique it that it is the only known planet to support life and that fact suggest divine creation, a notion many of the atheists in the scientific establishment would love to squash. Connected to this notion is a desire from proof that abiogenesis (life from non-life)  is possible the notion being that finding life some place else in the universe would show that abiogenesis is not only possible but likely. However the flaw in this logic is the finding a second planet with life does not reduce the odds one bit. Furthermore beyond abiogenesis the desire to prove that the Earth is not unique is philosophical requirement of  atheistic thinking. Now that is not to say every involved in this project is an atheists but the tendency to jump on any planet that is not a gas giant and in its star's habitable zone as being Earth-Like definitely stems from the atheistic desire to show that the Earth is not unique. However despite all the effort and 100's of extrasolar planets discovered the real fact is that the Earth is still unique and its uniqueness become more pronounced with each new planet not less.



      Most Earth-Like Alien Planet Possibly Found




      ------ Charles Creager Jr.

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      Information Universe and Hinduism/New Age.


      This is part fifteen of the Information Universe series. See the link for part one.       



      The reason for putting these two together in one article is because New Age is at its core a westernized version of Hinduism. The biggest problem with doing an analyses is that they lack any real central belief system. Both Hinduism and New Age have such diversity that trying to describe a specific belief system for them is like trying to nail a cloud to ground.


      Despite all this there are specific concepts that are generally even if not universally held by Hindues and New Agers. They tend to be a belief in some form of soul and consciousness is seen a playing an important role in universe. There is also the concept that what we call reality is an illusion and or a dream.


      The only real conclusion is that the Information Universe basically compatible with Hinduism and New Age. In fact some forms of them are highly compatible with the Information Universe. In fact the Information Universe does show how things like psychic powers could be possible. One aspect of the Information Universe that is some what problematic is the need for a programmer to get the entire thing going.


      It needs to be noted that while Hinduism and New Age are generally compatible with the Information Universe that it is not the only compatible option. This is because the Information Universe is generally peaking compatible the idea of a creator God as well as the supernatural in general. One reason this is that an information based universe is itself immaterial and as a result including any number of supernatural phenomenon is not difficult to do. In the case of Hinduism and New Age it provides a way by which thing like psychic powers could be possible by way of tapping the universe’s information system. It also provides possible way that other claims of Hindues and New Agers could be real.  Now this does not mean that accepting an information based universe means accepting Hinduism or New Age but only that the two concepts are basically compatible. This is one of the down sides to the Information Universe nut as will be shown in then next article it is not alone in being compatible with an information based universe. Specifically the next article will show the compatibility of the Information Universe with the Bible and biblical creation.



      ------ Charles Creager Jr.

      Genesis Science Mission

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      Saturday, January 5, 2013

      Information Universe and Atheism.


      This is part fourteen of the Information Universe series. See the link for part one.



      In the article origins it was show that an information based universe has to be intelligently designed. Now because by definition atheists do not believe in God, the idea that universe is intelligently designed is naturally repugnant to them. This is a major reason why the acceptance of the information based universe idea has been slow in main stream physics since the scientific establishment is dominated by atheists.


      However the concept that the universe is fundamentally an information system much like a computer simulation explains so much that even some atheists have been forced to accept this form of intelligent design. How ever rather than following Occam's razor simply conclude that God was the programmer such atheists have postulated that the universe was programmed by programmers from some super-civilization of  far-evolved running a computer simulation of the universe of their distant ancestors.


      One thing this says about atheists is that their rejection of God is not from a supposed lack of evidence but from a philosophical assumption. The reason for this is that here is a cased were the simplest solution is the programmer is the eternally existing being we call God. However because of philosophical assumptions they ignore the simple solution and postulate an entire civilization of beings in which the programmers live and work.


      One thing they ignore the fact that the shear scope and detail of the simulation that is our universe eliminates the possibility of one or more human like beings using any type of physical computer. Now they are clearly aware of the problem but simply assume that a supper-advanced civilization will be capable of solving the problem


      The resolution of the universe is one Planck length (1.616199 × 10-35 m) and with the need to produce a reality for some 7 billion human beings and billions more conscious animals, the computation power needed would go beyond any conceivable physical computer. To put it in to prospective the minimum information required to for just 1 cubic meter of space is 4.221672 × 10105 bytes. For comparison the hard drive on the computer used to write this is about 300 × 109 bytes. As a result it would take more than 1099 such computers to store the information needed for just 1 cubic meter of space. It would also require a minimum calculation rate of 2.612 × 10140 bytes per second just to calculate what is going on instead that 1 cubic meter of space.


      The result is that the atheistic idea of a super-civilization of far-evolved running a computer simulation of a universe is beyond the point of reason. However concluding that the programmer is an eternally existing God is a much simpler conclusion.







      ------ Charles Creager Jr.

      Genesis Science Mission

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